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dependence relationship中文是什么意思

用"dependence relationship"造句"dependence relationship"怎么读"dependence relationship" in a sentence


  • 依存关系


  • Such dominance and dependence relationships are indeed pervasive .
  • There was obvious dependence relationship between corn yields with changing of depth of cultivated horizon and available water content , corn yields of the corn belt phaeozem changed regularly
    相关分析表明, “平面型”界面土壤玉米产量与各养分含量间无明显相关关系,只有当速效磷、钾含量在五级以下时,产量才受到明显影响。
  • Acquiring testing factors in component software integration based on dfa model functions of the interface , event , context dependence relationship and content dependence relationship in componentbased software were analyzed with regard to integration testing . the difficulty in acquiring these four factors was also analyzed
  • Functions of the interface , event , context dependence relationship and content dependence relationship in component - based software were analyzed with regard to integration testing . the difficulty in acquiring these four factors was also analyzed . a dfa ( deterministic finite automaton ) model based on the characteristics of component - based software was proposed so that these four factors could be acquired from the model . an example was given to prove the validity of the model
用"dependence relationship"造句  
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